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Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Worth It

I wonder if you still believe I'm worth it. If I'm still the one for you.
If I'm the love of your life, your future wife.
Or was that all just a game to you.
Playing house, playing pretend but then reality hit and it had to end.
If you saw my life now and witness my journey.
Would I still be without you or would you no matter the circumstances travel along beside me.
Till this day I find a hundred reasons why you're wrong for me but there is always that one that opens my eyes.
The fact that my love for you is real, that shouldn't be no surprise.
At least not to me or maybe it is.
When we got together I was only a kid.
A kid trying to find her way and decide who she wanted to be.
I'm a little grown up and I'm starting to be content with where I am. Growing and being me.
You still cross my mind everyday, that's never changed. But what worries me is YOU.
You've long ran away.
I don't blame you I'm not easy to deal with it.
But what I can say despite my ups and downs, especially my downs. No matter who comes along or leaves.
I'm extremely, 100%, absolutely, no matter what,forever and always...
Worth it. - by S.G.
At one point I thought I wasn't worth it to someone I truly loved. He still crosses my mind and I miss him. He drove me crazy but still seemed to put a smile across my face whenever I saw him. My eyes would light up and my heart would flutter. Over time I became hard to handle. He said some pretty screwed up shit to me. He left and pushed me away when he promised me he wouldn't. But in time I knew within that entire experience. I was worth so much than I ever could imagine. Yes I hope for him to love me again one day if he doesn't still already. But on those days I wonder what I didn't do to make him stay...I remind myself I was always worth being with. For anyone who ever believes they are not worth it. You most certainly are :)
Remember... Be more. Do more. Love More. Besos xo

1 comment:

  1. Very powerful. It may not be my place but sometimes we have to let go no matter how hard it is. Some people aren't meant for us and I know it's hard to see that but that's our reality sometimes. It sucks because it puts u in the inevitable position that if
    Someone else came along and tried to give you their all, you wouldn't be able to return those feelings because your heart is with someone else. I hope everything works out for you tho.
